Keltbray | Manningtree Track Renewal


The Challenge

Keltbray approached us looking to capture video of their track renewal project in Manningtree, Essex. This section of work marked the end of a much larger project for Keltbray so they were keen to create a film demonstrating the quality of their work. Keltbray chose us for our ability to cover large scale projects from start to finish. Our previous work for Keltbray projects has spanned months and even years, therefore giving them a lot of faith in our eye for detail and capacity for documenting a full range of works.

The difficulty in this job was recording multiple jobs happening at over a non stop 48 hour period.

The Approach

The night before the works began, our technical engineers installed three timelapse cameras. These cameras covered all the areas of track renewal by continuously shooting over the 48 hour period of works. An additional two on the ground filming shifts to capture the details of the works.

We utilised multiple filming techniques to capture a variety of footage. GoPro’s were attached to RRV’s, we flew drones over the site to show the scope of the works and collected footage with high spec dslr cameras to fill out the bulk of the video. We maintained good relations with the Keltbray staff throughout the filming process, ensuring we captured all the desired processes on camera without hindering their work.

Interview footage wasn’t specified, however we brought our audio gear on the off chance we managed to get a few words from the project managers.

The Result

The filming approach resulted in a plethora of footage, making a lot of room for creativity in the edit. During the on the ground filming we managed to capture an interview which formed the base layer for the video. From there we added a variety of footage, music and colouring to produce a captivating video documenting the Manningtree works. Keltbray only had good things to say about the video. We look forward to working with them again soon.

“The end result looks great”

Andy Claydon –  Programme Director



For more information on our technical, creative and dependable services, contact us today via email to call us below

Call 0115 9791719